Lip Balm Sadness
It is a sad week in our house because we found out that our girlie’s favorite lip balm, Lip Smackers, contains gluten. She has so many of these and JUST bought this cute unicorn, cat, panda set last time we went to Target. She even spent her own money because she was so excited for them. Then I come across a post on Instagram about all of the non-food products that you wouldn’t expect to see gluten in, and Lip Smackers was one of them. After doing my own research, I found that they use something called Wheat Germ Oil, which is not gluten free.
Immediately, we had to find a good substitute for our girlie. She’s only 10 and Lip Smackers have been her favorite since she was allowed to wear lip balm (so for years!). This is what I’ve found that we’re going to try:
eos lip balm
Sun Bum lip balm
Blistex Fruit Smoothies lip balm
We’ll report back with our new favorite!