Join us as we share the ups and downs of our newly diagnosed 10-year-old daughter's celiac journey, from groceries, recipes, restaurants, travel tips and more. Learn with us as we start our gluten free journey and document it along the way. We hope we can be a guide and help other families as they navigate this journey, too!
Blog Posts by Category
From the gluten free goodies we like, to what we eat on vacations, check out our best recommendations!
GF Goodies
Our gluten free girl rates all of the gluten free foods that we’re trying. See her favs!
GF Recipes
We’re a very picky bunch of eaters but we’ll share the gluten free recipes that we try!
GF Restaurants
Finding yummy gluten free restaurants might be one of the hardest parts of this journey. We’ll share where we try and what restaurants we’ll continue to visit!
GF Travel
We love to go on family vacations and will share our experiences with gluten free on vacations!
Recent Posts
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Gluten Free Thanksgiving Recap
Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! We’re back with a recap of how our first gluten free one went. It was great spending time with family and the food was great, too! We did make a few modifications based on last minute requests, so let me share what we did have for Thanksgiving.

First Gluten Free Thanksgiving
It’s my daughter’s first Thanksgiving with celiac disease and we want to try to make it as normal as we can. Typically, she’s really just a turkey, masked potatoes and rolls kind of girl and we know that most of that will be just fine for her to eat (minus the rolls). I feel that lately she is sad about not being able to eat things that she didn’t even eat before - so we’ll make sure she has most of the options that everyone else has at Thanksgiving. Then she can decide what she likes and would want to eat again. Stay tuned for the after-Thanksgiving recap!

Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Cheese Ravioli
We’ve found another delicious gluten free item at Trader Joe’s - the Gluten Free Cheese Ravioli! Our girlie has always loved pasta, so when we found gluten free cheese ravioli, we were excited. The cauliflower pasta dough had me a little worried, but these were an OVERWHELMING win.

Organic Crispy Coconut Rolls
These Organic Coconut Rolls by Tropical Fields were a new gluten free treat that we tried in our last Costco haul. It turns out that they are delicious. It quickly became our girl’s go-to after school snack. It also became the entire family’s go-to after school snack, so we ran out of them quickly. Next time, we’ll buy a few bags!

Milton’s Cauliflower Crust Pizza
Does our daughter like cauliflower….nope. She’s 10, she barely likes vegetables period. So when we tried this pizza for the first time, we didn’t mention the cauliflower crust.

Our Girl’s First Gluten Free Sleepover
Once we had received our daughter’s celiac diagnosis, one of our biggest concerns was finding ways for her to still feel included with her friends. We knew parties, sleepovers, school events and anything with gluten-focused treats would be hard for her. All of the birthday cakes, cookies or cupcakes at school parties (and other events) were going to make her feel left out, and we wanted to do whatever we could to prevent that.

Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Double Chocolate Muffins
Trader Joe’s has a good selection of gluten free items, but our daughter’s favorite there is BY FAR the Gluten Free Double Chocolate muffins. She said you can’t even tell that this muffin is gluten free! And you know it’s good when she has to argue with her non-celiac brother over who gets the last one.

Perdue Gluten Free Chicken Tenders
This was a huge win in our house! One of our girl’s biggest concerns when she found out she had celiac disease was about chicken nuggets. If she couldn’t have gluten, how could she still enjoy one of her favorite foods. We’ve hit the jackpot with this find at Costco!

Tru Fru
Our family has always been fans of Tru Fru products, so we were extremely happy to find out that most of them are gluten free! These strawberries covered in white chocolate and milk chocolate are delicious, have the gluten free logo, and get a thumbs up from our girl.

Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Garlic Knots
In my search for an easy gluten free recipe, I found one for garlic knots using Trader Joe’s Gluten Free pizza dough. I watched multiple Tik Tok videos and saw a handful of Pinterest recipes, so I figured that they must be good.
Unfortunately, these got a thumbs-down from the whole family. They were really dense and not nearly garlicy enough.
Our Gluten Free Costco Haul
We’re always looking for more gluten free goodies for our girl, so we took a trip to Costco this weekend to see if we could find any new options. We definitely did and they look delicious!

Intro to My GF Girl
Welcome to our Gluten Free blog! We’re so excited to document this journey - not only to share with others going through this same experience, but for ourselves. It’s a live diary for us to remember what our girl likes, loves and just plain thinks is gross. (she’s 10!)